Witscad - About

Witscad, as we say is a Witspry's online academy. Our goal is to provide free guide, tutorial and articles in a way that helps students and readers to understand the concepts easily. We not only cover all primary education area but specialized education also. We allow people to ask questions about individual topics, which will be answered in a timely manner by the course/article author.

We believe that education should be free as possible or with an affordable cost. It should however be free for the ones who are willing to study but can't afford.

We created "Witscad" to enable ourselves to achieve goals and to make Witspry's global mission possible. For more information visit. https://witspry.com

We have started at the time of writing this article and we require freelancers to write for us. If you are a regular blogger and specialist in your professional area, please send mail to use at witspry@gmail.com. However, please expect a delay in reply due to overwhelming emails. We will try to definitely connect with you.

Lets connect hand on hands and make this world a better place.

Team - Witscad
Witspry Technologies